The stud welding machine is not arcing and cannot weld, what could be the issue?

Stud welding machines are a common type of arc welding equipment, but sometimes they may not initiate an arc during use due to various reasons. The following sections will analyze the problem of arc failure and provide solutions.

  1. The ammeter shows zero or very low current value

When the ammeter indicates zero current or the current value is too low, the stud welding machine may struggle to generate enough current to start the arc welding process. In such cases, it is necessary to check whether the power supply is normal, whether the power circuit is correctly connected, and whether the current regulator is turned on.


Check if the grounding wire is firmly connected to the workpiece or welding grounding surface;
Verify that the current setting on the front panel of the welder's main unit meets the requirements;
Check the input voltage, as too low input voltage can also prevent the machine from starting an arc.
  1. Poor or damaged electrode contact

Poor contact or damage to the electrode can also prevent arc initiation. It is important to check whether the electrode is correctly installed and whether there are any signs of wear or cracks on the electrode tip.


Inspect whether the electrode is properly installed and clamped;
Check for any damage or wear to the electrode;
Replace the electrode;
Clean any stains and oxides at the connection between the electrode and the clamp to ensure good contact performance.
  1. Poor surface condition of the workpiece

Issues like oil, rust, and oxidation on the surface of the workpiece before welding can prevent arc initiation. Therefore, it is important to clean and treat the surface of the workpiece to keep it clean, smooth, and rust-free.


Clean oil, dirt, and rust flakes from the surface of the workpiece;
Grind the surface of the workpiece to remove rust, oxide layers, and other surface defects;
Check if the welding gun nozzle is loose or damaged, and replace it if necessary.
  1. Faulty components in the welder

Failure of other components in the welder, such as potentiometers, ground insulation, and micro-switches, may also result in no arc formation.


Check whether all internal components of the welder are functioning properly, including switches, potentiometers, transformers, and capacitors;
Check if the ground insulation is damaged, and replace worn ground insulation parts in time;
Verify if the micro-switch is damaged or malfunctioning, and replace it if necessary.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why a stud welding machine might not initiate an arc. It’s essential to carefully inspect the working condition of each component to accurately identify the root cause and apply targeted solutions.

Original Article,Author:willhui,If reproduced, please indicate the source:

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